woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ lianˋ xiˊ tiˊ sheng ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ nengˊ liˋ de˙ yiˋ zhongˇ fang ˉ shiˋ shiˋ
(One way) One way in which we can practice improving our thinking is
我們 woˇ men˙
(Our, Ourselves, Us, We) We, Us, Our, Ourselves
我們可以 woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ
(We can, We could) We can, We could
可以 keˇ yiˇ
(Am able, Are able, Being able to, Can, Can be, Capable, Is able, Permits, Permitted, Permitting, To be able, Was able, Were able) Can, Can be, Capable, To be able to, , Being able to, Am able toPermit, Are able toPermit, Is able toPermit, Was able toPermit, Were able toPermit, Permits, Permitting, Permitted
練習 lianˋ xiˊ
(Exercise, Practice, Practices, To exercise, To practice, To train, Train) Practice, A practice, The practice, Practices, To practice, To exercise, To train, Practice , Practices , Practicing , Practiced , Train , Trains , Training , Trained , Exercise , Exercises , Exercising , Exercised
提升 tiˊ shengˉ
(Elevate, Promote) Elevate, Promote
思考 siˉ kaoˇ
(Contemplate, Ponder, Ruminate, Think, Think of, Thought, Thoughts, To contemplate, To ponder, To ruminate, To think, To think of) Thought, Thoughts, To think, To ponder, To contemplate, To ruminate, Think , Thinks , Thinking , Thought , To think of, Think of, Thinks of, Thinking of, Thought of, Ponder , Ponders , Pondering , Pondered , Contemplate , Contemplates , Contemplating , Contemplated , Ruminate , Ruminates , Ruminating , Ruminated
能力 nengˊ liˋ
(Abilities, Ability, Capabilities, Capability, Competence, Power) Ability, Abilities, Capability, Capabilities, Competence, Power
的 de˙ diˋ diˊ
Have, Has, At That, (Di4), Clear, Distinct, Target, Goal, (Di2), Accurate, Exact, Proper, (De5)
一種 yiˋ zhongˇ
(Kind of, One kind, Type) A kind of, A type, One kind
方式 fangˉ shiˋ
(Manner, Manners, Means, Method, Methods, Mode, Modes, Way, Way of, Ways, Ways of) Means, Method, Methods, Manner, Manners, Mode, Modes, Way of, Ways of, Way, Ways
是 shiˋ
Is, To be, Am/Are/Is/Was/Were, Being, Yes
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