No, Not, Non, None, Not able to, Un, Without, Infix Used To Indicate Inability
buˊ tingˋ 不聽
buˋ tingˊ 不停
buˊ xingˋ 不幸
buˋ xingˊ 不行
buˋ xingˊ 步行
buˋ xingˇ 不省
chu ˉ bingˉ 出兵
chu ˉ jingˋ 出境
chuˋ jingˋ 處境
chu ˉ mingˊ 出名
chu ˉ xingˊ 出行
chuˊ xingˊ 雛型
cu ˉ yingˋ 粗硬
duˇ dingˋ 篤定
duˇ mingˋ 賭命
duˊ xingˋ 毒性
fuˊ ying ˉ 服膺
fuˊ pingˊ 浮萍
fuˇ pingˊ 撫平
fuˋ pingˊ 負平
fuˋ qing ˉ 付清
fuˊ xingˊ 服刑
fuˋ xing ˉ 復興
guˋ dingˋ 固定
gu ˉ lingˊ 孤伶
gu ˉ lingˊ 孤零
gu ˉ mingˊ 沽名
guˋ mingˊ 故名
gu ˉ tingˇ 孤挺
guˇ xingˋ 骨性
hu ˉ yingˋ 呼應
huˊ xingˊ 弧形
luˋ yingˊ 露營
luˋ yingˇ 錄影
luˋ jingˋ 路徑
muˋ jingˋ 目鏡
muˋ xing ˉ 木星
pu ˉ pingˊ 鋪平
ruˋ jingˋ 入境
shu ˉ yingˇ 疏影
shu ˉ bingˋ 殊病
shuˇ bingˇ 薯餅
shuˊ jing ˉ 熟精
shuˋ lingˊ 樹齡
shu ˉ mingˊ 書名
shu ˉ qingˊ 抒情
shuˇ xingˋ 屬性
shuˋ xing ˉ 數星
suˋ qing ˉ 肅清
su ˉ xingˇ 蘇醒
su ˉ xingˇ 甦醒
suˋ xing ˉ 夙興
tu ˉ yingˉ 禿鷹
tuˊ jingˋ 途徑
tuˊ xingˊ 圖形
tuˇ xing ˉ 土星
zhuˇ yingˊ 主螢
zhuˋ dingˋ 注定
zhuˇ lingˋ 屬令
zhuˋ mingˊ 註明
zhuˋ mingˊ 著名
zhuˋ xingˊ 助行
zuˊ mingˊ 族名
wuˋ ying ˉ 兀鷹
wu ˉ dingˇ 屋頂
wuˊ jing ˉ 無精
wuˋ jingˋ 物鏡
wuˇ lingˊ 五零
wuˊ mingˊ 無名
wuˇ mingˊ 五名
wuˊ qingˊ 無情
wuˇ ting ˉ 舞廳
wuˊ xingˊ 無形
wuˇ xing ˉ 五星
buˋ ying ˉ 不應
buˊ dingˋ 不定
buˋ jing ˉ 不經
buˋ jing ˉ 不驚
buˋ jingˇ 不景
buˋ jingˇ 布景
buˊ lingˋ 不令
buˋ mingˊ 不明
buˋ mingˊ 不名
buˋ pingˊ 不平
wu ying不顯得內容是什麼
buˋ xianˇ deˊ neiˋ rongˊ shiˋ shenˊ me˙
Unaware of what it was about, Not knowing what it was about
buˋ chu ˉ shenˊ me˙ jieˊ guoˇ
Have little to show for, Produce few or no results
buˋ biˇ haiˇ pingˊ mianˋ gao ˉ duo ˉ shaoˇ
Not much higher than sea level
buˋ yiˇ weiˊ yiˋ
Unmindful, Indifferent, Uncaring, Paid no heed to, Ignored, Disregarded, Uncaringly, Disapprovingly
不, 以, 為, 意, 不以為意-rhymes
不允許 buˋ yunˇ xuˇ
Do not allow, Does not allow, Did not allow, To forbid, To prohibit
不, 允, 許, 不允許-rhymes
buˊ naˋ me˙ lingˋ renˊ weiˋ juˋ
Less intimidating, Less forbidding, Less daunting, Does not seem so intimidating, Does not seem so forbidding, Does not seem so daunting
buˊ naˋ me˙ rongˊ yiˋ sheng ˉ qiˋ
Less anger inducing
buˊ naˋ me˙ nanˊ kanˋ
Not so ugly, Less painful to look at
buˋ xiˊ guanˋ yuˊ chuˋ yuˊ liuˊ dongˋ xin ˉ taiˋ
Not used to being in the fluid mind-state
buˋ fa ˉ yiˋ yuˇ
Said nothing, Without a word, Didn't say a word, Don't say a word
不, 發, 一, 語, 不發一語-rhymes
不孤單 buˋ gu ˉ dan ˉ
Not alone, To not be alone, Am not alone, Are not alone, Is not alone, Was not alone, Were not alone
不, 孤, 單, 不孤單-rhymes
buˋ bao ˉ kuoˋ renˋ heˊ mangˊ dianˇ de˙ naˋ buˋ fen ˉ luˋ
The section of road not including any blind spots
buˋ xiu ˉ zhengˋ cuoˋ wuˋ
Never fix the error, Never fix the mistake, Never fix the bug, Never fix errors, Never fix mistakes, Never fix bugs
buˋ shiˇ yongˋ shanˇ guang ˉ deng ˉ pai ˉ sheˋ renˊ xiangˋ
Portrait shooting without using flash
buˋ jiaˇ si ˉ suoˇ de˙ zuoˋ shiˋ xiangˇ faˇ
Doing things without thinking
buˋ chouˊ chi ˉ chuan ˉ
Not have to worry about money, Not have to worry about food or clothing
不, 愁, 吃, 穿, 不愁吃穿-rhymes
buˊ aiˋ liaoˊ tian ˉ
Don't like talking, Doesn't like talking, Didn't like talking, Didn't like to chat
不, 愛, 聊, 天, 不愛聊天-rhymes
buˋ tian ˉ jia ˉ fangˊ fuˇ jiˋ
No added preservatives, Does not contain preservatives
buˊ beiˋ feng ˉ yuˇ leiˊ tingˊ cui ˉ zheˊ
Not broken by wind rain or thunder
buˋ quanˊ ranˊ zhengˋ queˋ
Not entirely correct, Not completely correct, Not quite correct
buˋ xu ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ jiˊ keˇ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
To act effectively without thinking, Act effectively without thinking, Acts effectively without thinking, Acting effectively without thinking, Acted effectively without thinking
不配合 buˊ peiˋ heˊ
Not cooperate, Do not cooperate, Does not cooperate, Did not cooperate
不, 配, 合, 不配合-rhymes
buˋ youˊ ziˋ zhuˇ
Involuntarily, Can't help, Couldn't help but, Couldn't stop from
不, 由, 自, 主, 不由自主-rhymes
buˋ zhen ˉ de˙ xu ˉ yaoˋ
Don't really need, Didn't really need
buˊ anˋ renˋ heˊ guˋ dingˋ shunˋ xuˋ
Not in any fixed order, Not having any fixed order, Not having any set order
buˋ tiˊ gong ˉ renˋ heˊ yuanˊ zhuˋ
Not provide any help
buˋ tiˊ gong ˉ renˋ heˊ yuanˊ zhuˋ geiˇ
Not give any help to
buˋ caiˇ quˇ xingˊ dongˋ
Didn't take action, Did nothing, Didn't react
不專心 buˋ zhuan ˉ xin ˉ
Not pay attention, Not paying attention, Wasn't paying attention, Didn't pay attention
不, 專, 心, 不專心-rhymes
buˊ daiˋ ganˇ qingˊ
Emotionless, Unfeeling, Lack emotion, Lacks emotion
不, 帶, 感, 情, 不帶感情-rhymes
zhaoˇ le˙ ge˙ jieˋ kouˇ buˋ laiˊ zheˋ liˇ
Found an excuse not to come
jieˊ guoˇ woˇ men˙ xin ˉ zhong ˉ de˙ zhuˇ daoˇ xiangˇ faˇ keˇ nengˊ shiˋ buˋ shuai ˉ daoˇ
As a result the overriding idea in our mind is not falling, As a result the dominating idea in our mind is not falling
moˋ buˊ zuoˋ sheng ˉ
Keep silent, Keeps silent, Kept silent, Stay silent, Stays silent, Staying silent, Stayed silent
muˋ buˋ zhuanˇ jing ˉ de˙ kanˋ zhe˙
Watch intently, Stare fixedly at
woˇ jiˇ hu ˉ jiaoˇ buˋ dianˇ de˙
My feet barely touch the floor
dang ˉ yiˊ ge˙ xiˋ tongˇ buˊ yunˋ zuoˋ shiˊ
While a system isn't working, When a system isn't functioning
lianˊ mianˊ buˋ jueˊ de˙ shan ˉ luanˊ
An endless range of mountains, Unbroken mountain ridge
woˇ men˙ yiˇ jing ˉ buˋ nianˊ qing ˉ le˙
We aren't getting any younger
zheˋ liˇ shenˊ me˙ dou ˉ zhangˇ buˋ chu ˉ laiˊ
Nothing can grow here
shangˋ qiˋ buˋ jie ˉ xiaˋ qiˋ
Wheeze, Wheezes, Wheezing, Wheezed, Out of breath
dang ˉ woˇ men˙ buˋ yinˇ daoˇ woˇ men˙ de˙ ganˇ guan ˉ
When we aren't directing our senses, When we don't direct our senses
ruˊ guoˇ woˇ men˙ buˋ jiang ˉ muˋ guang ˉ juˋ jiao ˉ zaiˋ daoˋ luˋ shangˋ
If we don't focus on the road, If we don't keep our eyes on the road
nuˇ liˋ renˇ zhuˋ buˋ zhaˇ yanˇ
Tried not to blink, Made an effort to not blink
woˇ buˋ yiˇ weiˊ yiˋ de˙ shuo ˉ
I indifferently said, I uncaringly said
baoˇ zhangˋ woˇ buˊ beiˋ eˋ siˇ
Keep me from starting to death, Prevent me from starting to death
siˋ hu ˉ buˊ naˋ me˙ mingˊ xianˇ
Doesn't seem so obvious, Seems less obvious
xunˊ zhaoˇ yiˊ ge˙ keˇ yiˇ shunˋ liuˊ erˊ xiaˋ de˙ kong ˉ jian ˉ de˙ xiangˇ faˇ siˋ hu ˉ buˊ naˋ me˙ mingˊ xianˇ
The idea of finding space to flow within doesn't seem as obvious
尋, 找, 一, 個, 可, 以, 順, 流, 而, 下, 的, 空, 間, 的, 想, 法, 似, 乎, 不, 那, 麼, 明, 顯
huiˋ bianˋ deˊ buˊ naˋ me˙ youˇ ya ˉ liˋ
Will become less stressful
rangˋ ta ˉ bianˋ deˊ buˊ naˋ me˙ tongˋ kuˇ
Make it less painful
xueˊ yuˇ yanˊ jiuˋ deiˇ buˊ paˋ shuo ˉ cuoˋ
Don't be afraid to make mistakes when learning a language
waiˋ guan ˉ shangˋ henˇ buˊ lingˋ renˊ yuˊ kuaiˋ
Externally unappealing, Unpleasant to look at
dang ˉ ta ˉ buˊ yunˋ zuoˋ shiˊ
When it isn't working, When it doesn't work
ruˊ guoˇ woˇ men˙ duiˋ gai ˉ moˊ xingˊ de˙ zheˋ leiˋ daˊ anˋ buˋ xiˊ guanˋ
If we aren't used to such answers from the model in question
xiˊ buˋ xiaˊ nuanˇ
Too busy to sit for long, So busy can't sit long enough to warm a seat
xueˊ ruˊ niˋ shuiˇ xingˊ zhou ˉ buˊ jinˋ zeˊ tuiˋ
Learning is like sailing against a current, if you don't advance then you retreat
ta ˉ tao ˉ tao ˉ buˋ jueˊ de˙ shuo ˉ le˙ qiˇ laiˊ
She wouldn't stop talking
che ˉ chaoˊ chuan ˉ liuˊ buˋ xi ˉ
Flow of traffic, Constant flow of traffic, Constant stream of cars, Rivers of cars
ta ˉ huiˋ qingˊ buˊ ziˋ jinˋ de˙
He would compulsively, He had a compulsion to
xianˋ changˇ zhen ˉ shiˋ canˇ buˋ renˇ duˇ
Truly a sorry sight
xiaoˇ xin ˉ buˋ jing ˉ raoˇ daoˋ
So as not to disturb, Trying not to disturb
fen ˉ buˋ chu ˉ laiˊ
Could not distinguish between, Could not tell them appart
yongˇ yuanˇ fen ˉ buˋ chu ˉ laiˊ
Could never tell the difference, Could never tell them apart
zheˋ bingˋ buˊ yiˋ weiˋ zhe˙ moˊ xingˊ wanˊ quanˊ paiˊ chuˊ le˙ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ xu ˉ qiuˊ
This does not mean that models completely eliminate the need to think
zheˋ bingˋ buˊ yiˋ weiˋ zhe˙ moˊ xingˊ wanˊ quanˊ xiao ˉ chuˊ le˙ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ xu ˉ yaoˋ
This does not mean that models completely remove the need to think
danˋ zheˋ bingˋ buˊ yiˋ weiˋ zhe˙ moˊ xingˊ wanˊ quanˊ xiao ˉ chuˊ le˙ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ xu ˉ yaoˋ
But this does not mean that models completely remove the need to think
woˇ keˇ buˋ wuˊ liaoˊ
I'm not boring, I can't be boring, I'm not bored, I can't be bored
shouˋ de˙ shang ˉ keˇ buˋ qing ˉ
Badly injured, Is badly injured, Was badly injured
congˊ shangˋ mianˋ daoˋ diˇ xiaˋ de˙ juˋ liˊ keˇ buˋ duanˇ
It was a long way down, It was not a short drop
jiuˋ shiˋ tian ˉ buˋ congˊ renˊ yuanˋ
But fate had other plans
zaiˋ hu ˉ shenˊ me˙ zhengˋ buˊ zhengˋ queˋ
Care about what is right or wrong, Care about the right thing
duiˋ woˇ de˙ tiˊ wenˋ chong ˉ erˇ buˋ wenˊ
Ignore my question, Ignores my question, Ignoring my question, Ignored my question
ting ˉ buˋ chu ˉ laiˊ
Can't hear, Can't figure out, Can't make out, Can't understand
yuˇ qiˋ wanˊ quanˊ ting ˉ buˋ chu ˉ qiˇ fuˊ
Totally expressionless voice
erˊ buˋ raoˇ luanˋ woˇ men˙ ganˇ zhi ˉ bingˋ xiangˇ ying ˉ jinˋ yiˊ buˋ bianˋ huaˋ de˙ nengˊ liˋ
Without disturbing our ability to sense and respond to further change, Without disrupting our ability to sense and respond to further change
xiˊ erˊ buˋ chaˊ
So accustomed one can something without a second glance, Well versed
woˇ men˙ qing ˉ xiangˋ yuˊ duˊ wanˊ yiˋ benˇ shu ˉ erˊ buˋ huiˊ guˋ
We tend to read a book without looking back on it
yiˋ dianˇ dou ˉ buˋ jueˊ deiˇ tongˋ
Didn't feel any pain at all, Didn't hurt at all
qiˊ ta ˉ renˊ dou ˉ buˋ juˇ shouˇ
On one else raised a hand, No one else raised their hands
zheˋ beiˋ zi˙ dou ˉ buˋ chouˊ chi ˉ chuan ˉ le˙
Would never be short of money, Would never have to worry about food or clothing
caiˊ buˋ guan ˉ xin ˉ
Just don't care, Just didn't care, Not concerned (with)
woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ nuˇ liˋ zaiˋ buˋ xu ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ de˙ qingˊ kuangˋ xiaˋ chuˋ liˇ yiˋ waiˋ bianˋ huaˋ
We can work towards handling unexpected change without having to think
我, 們, 可, 以, 努, 力, 在, 不, 需, 思, 考, 的, 情, 況, 下, 處, 理, 意, 外, 變, 化
liˋ buˋ congˊ xin ˉ
Lacking the ability to do what one wishes, Lacking the resources or power to do what one wants
yuanˊ benˇ buˊ beiˋ kanˋ haoˇ de˙
Originally not well thought of, Initially not well thought of
shiˋ jieˋ daˋ buˋ xiang ˉ tongˊ le˙
The world was very different, The world has changed, The world had changed
yangˋ ziˇ daˋ buˋ xiang ˉ tongˊ
Look very different, Looked very different, Changed a lot
gen ˉ ta ˉ shangˋ ciˋ laiˊ de˙ yangˋ ziˇ daˋ buˋ xiang ˉ tongˊ
Looked very different from the last time he came, Had changed a lot since last he came
keˇ nengˊ zouˇ buˋ huiˊ laiˊ
Might not make it back, Might not be able to make it back
woˇ de˙ zhiˇ jiaˇ dou ˉ cha ˉ buˊ jinˋ quˋ
I can't even get my fingernails in, I couldn't even get my fingernails in
yiˊ juˋ yeˇ buˊ xinˋ
Don't believe a word, Doesn't believe a word, Didn't believe a word
yiˋ dianˇ erˊ yeˇ buˋ xiaoˇ
Not small at all, Not at all insignificant
yiˋ dianˇ henˊ ji ˉ yeˇ buˋ liuˊ
Without leaving a trace, No tracks
ta ˉ kanˋ qiˇ laiˊ yiˋ dianˇ yeˇ buˋ huaˊ ji ˉ
He didn't look funny at all
woˇ men˙ zuiˋ zhong ˉ shenˊ me˙ yeˇ buˊ zuoˋ
We end up doing nothing
youˇ renˊ kanˋ daoˋ tian ˉ caiˊ yeˇ buˊ renˋ de˙
Some people don't recognize talent when they see it
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